
cp1_0611090952.jpg, originally uploaded by exposed_existenz.



June 16, 2009 at 8:56 PM Anonymous said...

My honey's coming home to me! WOOHOO! Since you don't have the time to update, I will. So the last few days in Nashville were crazy busy. He got a lot of interesting pictures, but has had very lil time to upload them, let alone eat and sleep. He is hopping onto a plane tomorrow afternoon and coming home to his wife and daughter. His lovely sexy wife has lost 26 lbs so far, 14 of which since he last saw her. She made some of his favorite foods, or bought some of them lol, so that he can enjoy some home-cooking. His wife is very excited to see him tomorrow and is heading to bed....and he is as well...soon. He will dream of sleeping in his bed with his wife tonight.

July 2, 2009 at 4:43 AM Anonymous said...

So have we abandoned the blog? New update. He is coming home for nearly 2 weeks. That is 2 whole weeks of relaxation and time with the family. He is looking forward to the downtime. He worked a short tour last week and decided to get some food poisoning from a Chipotle burrito. What a fun day THAT was! So yeah, he bought some subs, amp, etc., to put a nice sound system in his wife's new car. He's very excited to have a project.
Ok. So wifey has to get ready for work while lazy bum is probably still in bed. Bye now.

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