Black Tear's

Blame me not for who I am, blame your perception of me. I can not be what I have never been, but you are unmaking what I have tried to be. My mind walks a narrow path, tracing shadows on the edge of reason. My judgment is clouded by things and beings beyond my control. If not beyond my control, to innocent to be controlled, they must be done no harm.

Blame me not for what Ive done, blame instead what you sought to have me do. To control another being, is to have power over ones heart and soul. Best left alone, or retribution might come. Ive known fear, Ive seen it in a hand full of dust, it has chilled my blood, and hardened my heart.

Blame me not for what has been said, blame your self instead. For you are My blackest tear, In my world of crystal fears. Now begone, and leave my torment alone.


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